6 Tips Efektif Membuat Survei Minat Membaca Anak
Apa saja kelebihan survei online dan bagaimana membuatnya? Pustakawan Mendunia berbagi 6 tips efektif melakukan survei minat membaca anak.
Apa saja kelebihan survei online dan bagaimana membuatnya? Pustakawan Mendunia berbagi 6 tips efektif melakukan survei minat membaca anak.
Pilih mana untuk materi mendongeng kita, ebook atau buku tercetak? Bacalah 7 tips memilih ebook/buku yang menarik untuk mendongeng dari Pustakawan Mendunia.
Mendongeng dengan buku sudah biasa kita lakukan. Lantas apa yang harus Pegiat Literasi lakukan di era pandemi covid 19 ini? Apa saja trik mendongeng online?
"Nothing can't stop us from learning, not even Corona." Ini merupakan pesan pokok Pustakawan Mendunia pada hari pertama masuk sekolah di masa pandemi korona, Covid-19.
Why black lives matter? Lets learn a brief history of slavery, segregation, and movement against injustice in United States of America.
Lets hop to our rocket of dream and blast off with our book Goodnight Spaceman! The first ever bedtime story recorded in space.
See outside your window and try to find the Little Cloud. He might go undercover and changed himself into something you could never guess. Enjoy the story :)
Lets go deep under the water and have adventure with Rainbow Fish and his friends meeting The Big Blue Whale. Be careful of him!
It is great to explore Africa, visit Mara River and to experience how Maasai people express love to their children with this question: Papa, do you love me?