Papa, Do You Love Me?
It is great to explore Africa, visit Mara River and to experience how Maasai people express love to their children with this question: Papa, do you love me?
It is great to explore Africa, visit Mara River and to experience how Maasai people express love to their children with this question: Papa, do you love me?
Lets read and jump joining the Exclamation Mark who spiced up our words together with the question mark and the full stop. A funny story not to be missed, folks :)
If you would like to go far away, where are you going to? Do you want to join Max who on his way sailing to where the wild things are? Read our review here.
We are so happy to see how Marisol could overcome the challenge she had: how to color the sky without blue. You could read it in our new post, "Sky Color."
We're All Wonders' book promotes kindness over anything. Pustakawan Mendunia prepared a recorded storytelling session and activities to do.
Pandemik Virus Korona tidak membuat kita menyerah. Saatnya Pustakawan Mendunia terus belajar dan berbagi tips persiapan pembelajaran jarak jauh/online kita.
Tahukah Pegiat Literasi bahwa perpustakaan mampu melawan Virus Korona? Kita mampu menjadi agen perubahan. Tidak percaya? Bacalah 4 tips berikut ini.
Sebagai pustakawan yang gemar membaca, kami juga mempromosikan buku/informasi yang baik dibaca anak. Post pertama kami adalah mengenai buku The Giving Tree :)
Perjuangan akses literasi untuk semua ternyata bukan hanya PR kita di Indonesia. Suku Karen di Chiang Mai Thailand memiliki tantangan literasi yang serupa.