Friska Titi Nova

Friska is having storytelling with a student in Library Session

Friska Titi Nova is a literacy activist and librarian. Friska, also known as Kak Peri, is currently managing the Pustakawan Mendunia website and compiling storybooks for children. She enjoys sharing her experiences and knowledge about librarianship, storytelling, and literacy strategies.

Reading and be a reading activist has been part of Friska’s enthusiasm for years. Her reading interest initiated her to determine library studies as the starting point of her life path. Children’s education and spreading positive hope always become Friska’s concern in her out of number pro bono actions she did since her college time in 2005.

Numerous voluntary actions related to library and children education have been done by Friska in Depok & Bekasi (West Java Province), Ciliwung (DKI Jakarta), Timika & Jayapura (Papua Province), and Batam (Riau Islands Province). She inducted training for library management, educated volunteers how to teach in fun but insightful ways for children and to developed amusing, contextual teaching materials for students, lead creative program division’s members, held storytelling sessions, and persuaded children to never give up in reaching their dreams through education.

Aside from her voluntary action, Friska works as a librarian. She had experience working 5 years in primary and secondary school for Papuan natives in Timika, Papua Province. A challenging work how to encourage students who mostly came from a mountainous area, where they have no idea what is a book title, what is an author because there is no book and book store available in their village.

Through innovative and well-prepared library session both in primary and secondary school, Friska devoted her focus to designing ingenious method how to engage Papuan students in enjoying reading.

Her endeavors as a reading activist in Timika, Papua Province both as a professional and involuntary action were acknowledged extraordinary by Library and Archives Department of Mimika Regency in Papua Province. Friska was selected as Mimika Regency’s representative in Papua Province’s Most Potential Librarian’s Competition in 2017. She won second place in the competition in Jayapura and resolved to do something more in her expertise and that’s how Pustakawan Mendunia comes as her vision.

Pustakawan Mendunia’s vision to be a non-profit organization to inspire children and share literacy strategies for world peace. This vision is manifested to its mission: Pustakawan Terus Belajar (Librarians to Keep Learning), Pustakawan Kreatif (Creative Librarians), and Pustakawan Mengajarkan Nilai-Nilai Kebaikan (Librarians Share Kindness and Love). Pustakawan Mendunia website could be visited in